How To Turn a Spare Room Into an Inviting Guest Room

How To Turn a Spare Room Into an Inviting Guest Room

If family members recently moved out of your home or you have a spare bedroom you’re not sure what to do with, here’s how to turn an extra room into an inviting guest room.

Even though the holidays are over, that won’t stop family and friends from visiting! Creating a welcoming guest room reflects your hospitality and is essential in offering a comfortable living space for you and your guests. Let’s explore a few ways to convert your spare room into a cozy and homey bedroom for your guests.

Perform a Deep Clean

When was the last time you stepped foot in your spare room? Was it to put something in there that you didn’t need to create space in the rest of your home? Many of us are guilty of this because we see our spare rooms as “extra storage.” But if you’re looking to create a comfortable guest room, you might consider starting the cleaning process depending on the level of straightening up it needs.

Start by decluttering the space of anything your guest room won’t need and setting a home for each item you’d like to stay in the room.

Then, be sure to vacuum and sweep, clean the windows if necessary, and essentially deep clean the entire room so that it’s ready to set up.

Clean the Closet

Deep cleaning the room includes your closet. It can be tempting to throw everything into the closet to clear up space, but your guest may want to use the closet when they come to visit. Offering additional space for your guest’s belongings is just one way to help them feel more welcomed in your home.

Your closet might be a great place to put their luggage and extra baggage they may have. So be sure to rid your closet of items that take up too much space.

Add New Paint

Spruce up your future guest room with a fresh coat of paint. You can choose to match the new paint color to the rest of your home or create a unique look just for the bedroom. Be sure to remove all furniture out of the room before painting to ensure they remain clean and free of stains, as this can throw off the bedroom style.

Soothing colors like light blue, beige, or grey can be significant assets in helping your guest feel comfortable as well!

Upgrade the Bed

You might be tempted to leave your family member’s bed in the room for guests to use, but if it’s financially possible, it’s best to install a new bed for your guest room. The older bed is already broken in and may have lumps that can be uncomfortable for your guests to sleep on, which can ruin their experience.

However, if you choose to keep the current bed in the room, that’s perfectly fine! Add a mattress topper to make it more comfortable for your guests.

When picking out a new bed for the room, you’ll want to consider which size would be best for your guest room. How many people visit your home at a time? If it’s just a few people at a time, feel free to purchase a twin or even a queen bed. Either way, your guests will love it!

Keep Floor Space Clear

Once you’re ready to start setting up the room for future guests, keep in mind that they will have items of their own that they’ll need floor space for.

Offer Entertainment

In today’s world, most bedrooms have some form of entertainment, whether it’s a TV entertainment system or various board games. Many people don’t turn in for the night and go straight to sleep; they may want to watch TV, read a good book, or have a late-night snack. Consider what your guest may want to do when they’re not spending time with you! Let’s talk about some ideas for forms of entertainment.


Although having a TV in the bedroom isn’t the best for getting healthy sleep, you might consider installing a TV in your guest room. It can be mounted on the wall or sit on a dresser, but wherever you choose to place it, make sure there’s still enough floor space for your guests to move around comfortably.

It may be helpful to create a “guest” account in your streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and more. This way, guests won’t have to go through the hassle of logging into their accounts and can seamlessly watch their favorite shows.


Be sure to leave out an extensive range of potential book genres your guests might like. For example, you may consider offering mystery, historical, children’s literature, biography, and more.


Similar to book genres, try providing guests with various snacks they can have at their convenience. You may choose to leave the snacks in the kitchen if you prefer they eat in the kitchen instead of the bedroom.

Provide Information and Essentials

Be sure to provide your guests with information on your home or neighborhood like Wi-Fi info, garage passcode, and even the best places to eat around the area.

Additionally, try to provide your guests with anything they might ask you for. Most people feel uncomfortable asking their host for items because they’re worried that they’re putting the host out. So, try to offer items like an extra toothbrush and toothpaste, phone charger, and everything they might need during their stay.

By giving your guests these things early on, you ensure they feel right at home and have everything they need to feel cozy and welcomed.

The goal of a guest room is to offer your guests an almost hotel-like experience with the added benefit of being in your inviting home.

Keep It Fresh

One of the most important things to remember when converting your spare room is eliminating any foul or funky smells. Placing a natural bamboo charcoal air purifying bag in the guest room can help keep the room smelling fresh and pleasant for your guests. Furthermore, it’s a quick and more natural way of keeping your home nicely fragranced!

Now that you understand how to turn a spare room into an inviting guest room, your guests will never want to leave because they’ll love their stay so much! And who could blame them?

How To Turn a Spare Room Into an Inviting Guest Room
Dyani Sanchez